Monday, 26 August 2013

Thank you to the Chairman of the Criminal Bar Association, Michael Turner QC

MTQC has taken the threats of further legal aid cuts beyond chalk striped suits  and the rarefied meadows of Lincoln's Inn. His battle beyond the bar, which is all of our battle has been brought home  hard to the slow awakening of the wider public. 

While justice sleeps...
These  disastrous proposals will affect the most vulnerable people in our society. 

MTQC gives courage   to those who have none left and brings together the unlikeliest of factions to save justice. 

And for that we thank him and ask him to stay close, the wise old general, to keep a hawkish  eye on the troops, the biggest battle is still to come.

Thank you for all that you do. For today's Monday Message see

Saturday, 17 August 2013

do you know an inspiring woman who works in housing?

Nominate her here!

Women in Housing Awards 2013

The inaugural Women in Housing Awards will celebrate and recognise the achievements of female professionals from all disciplines, working within the Housing sector across the UK.

The ethos of the awards and its specific aims are to:

Celebrate women’s achievements in the Housing sector

Promote the innovative contribution of women

Encourage women to work and flourish in the housing sector

Network with like-minded peopleBreak down the barriers

The awards have already garnered signficant support and endorsement from leading national housing industry organisations and professional bodies including the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH); the social housing sector’s leading provider of performance improvement services, HouseMark; TPAS, the largest tenant-led organisation in Europe; and WISH, the national business networking group for women in both the public and private housing sectors.

The awards, of which there are nine in total, will be open to women and organisations in the housing sector from across the UK.


May 2013 – September 6th 2013 – awards open for entries

September 2013 – Shortlist announced

November 6th - Inaugural Women In Housing Awards ceremony, Hilton Hotel, Manchester

click here to nominate any fab femmes you think deserves this award

Saturday, 10 August 2013

building a new world

From the Nurture Development website which you must explore at your leisure


“Cormac Russell and Nurture Development have made Asset Based Community Development come alive in Ireland as a basic community building strategy.”

John McKnight, ABCD Institute


There are at least 12 domains that are uniquely within the competencies of people and by implication, cannot happen without People Powered Change.

Our well-being is decisively more determined by our community assets than by any other health and well being determinants. Tragically community building hardly features as a priority in the current sickness model. And so, for example, older people are dying of loneliness in a sea of neighbourliness that does not know how to express itself.While it is true to say we are creeping towards a change in focus in this regard, it is also economically and ethically a pivotal time where the need to accelerate this portion of the public health agenda and to elevate the status and the function of ‘connected communities’ as agents of health production, has become all at once both critical and possible.

Everyone’s health and well being depends on this fundamental shift; this shift depends on everyone choosing to co-create a shared health seeking future. The same can be said for raising connected children, caring for our environment, sustaining our local economies, and promoting more inclusive societies.

Health and Wellbeing

Our health and wellbeing is mainly determined by the extent to which we are positively connected to each other, our environment and local economic opportunities.

Safety and Security

Increased police presence does not lead to enhanced safety and security in the same way that a connected community can.

Caring for the Environment

Imagine what is possible if people become more intentional and collective about their decisions around transport, heating and lighting their homes and how they manage their waste.

Nurturing the Local Economy

Most enterprises start small and local, in garden sheds, attics and at the kitchen table and in return they become the heart blood of local economies and one of the most reliable sources of employment for many communities.

Mindful Food consumption and Production

Local food chains enhance outcomes in the areas of health, environment and local economic well being.

Raising Powerful Connected Children

Children need to believe in their families and community. Children do not grow powerful in institutions; their power grows the closer they are to the centre of family and community life.

Ageing Well in Place/Locale

The type of care required to age well across the life course is the kind that sees both the gifts and needs of older people, in that order . This kind of care is only located among communities who have a central place for older people.

Building Communities

Communities grow from inside out, evolving from the place where ‘I’ live, to the community where ‘we’ grow. They can only grow through the deepening of human relationships.

Civic Action for Deeper Democracy & Just Society

Civic action for social, environmental and economic justice provides the rudder for keeping governments honest and on track, democracy meaningful, and people engaged in civic life.

Respond to Natural Disaster/Climate Control

No where is people power more apparent than in the face of natural disasters and the consequences of climate change; ashuman beings, when pu t to the pin of our collar we dig deep, pull together (self organise), and respond by building community.

Lifelong Learning and Sharing Wisdom

Knowledge and wisdom are hatched in the nest of everyday life a nd more particularly in associational life, not in educational, commercial or professional institutions.

Changing the World

"Change doesn’t happen because of how we invest our money . Change happens because of how we invest our human energy, and it always has since we came down from the trees." Daniel Taylor–Future Generations

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Kazuri shortlisted for Centre for Social Justice Awards

"The annual CSJ Awards programme recognizes effective poverty fighting groups from across the UK. Cash prizes of £10,000 are awarded to charities, small voluntary groups and other local projects that display innovation and effectiveness in addressing the root causes of poverty, turning lives around and reversing social breakdown."

Kazuri is delighted to be one of only 18 organisations picked from  over 200 entrants  from  across the UK to have been shortlisted for this year's prestigious awards, to be announced in September. We have invited the CSJ panel to come and see our women's resilience center in Whitechapel and also the construction workshop for vulnerable women and ex offenders , our Coming Home, Cardiff project.

Stefan Bobolecki, Director of Regeneration and Planning says "I am pleased to see all Kazuri's hard work is being recognized through being shortlisted for this prestigious award by the UK's leading think-tank."  

Peter Cobrin, Director of Innovation and Skills says, "It's great to see innovation and imagination in this most complex of sectors being recognized." 

Farah Damji, founder of Kazuri Properties CiC says, "Thank you to all people who have been part of Kazuri. Someone clever told me when I started this three and a half years ago that  this venture  would be like taking a train to Glasgow - some people would stay for the duration and others would be  there for part of the journey and get off at Edinburgh. All I can say is  to  everyone who has had anything to do with Kazuri since its inception is I'm grateful to have shared part of the journey with you and thank you. Even being shortlisted is an honor."  

We look forward to welcoming CSJ  staff at our projects in London and  Cardiff. 

The Kazuri ethos that sustainable housing and resilience are at the core of a stable lifestyle  leads to cohesive communities and are aligned with the Center for Social Justice's  own values of empowerment, redemption and creating a better society.