Short sentences do not work, and in fact create situations which lead to further re-offending. |
Judge warns 'short prison sentences lead to reoffending'A judge yesterday attacked short jail sentences designed to ease prison overcrowding warning that they create a “revolving door” of reoffenders.Judge Anthony Goldstaub QC said he had little choice but to let a repeat burglar walk free from court because prison had failed to curb his o ffending. He said the case of David McKenzie, 37, was “a strong counter to the argument that prison works” because the alcoholic thief's previous jail sentences provided no rehabilitation. McKenzie, 37, instead escaped with an 18-month community order, although, as a third time convicted burglar, he could normally have expected a minimum sentence of three years in jail. The case threatens to inflame the row over the Government’s prisons strategy after David Cameron signalled an embarrassing U-turn on Kenneth Clarke’s plans to halve sentences for criminals who plead guilty. The Justice Secretary – who has also called for tougher community punishments rather than jail sentences – has faced demands by fellow Tory MPs to resign for damaging the Conservatives’ reputation as the party of law and order. |
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