The housing minister has revealed the person who will lead the government’s review of barriers to investment in rented homes.
Sir Adrian Montague, a former member of the Housing Finance Group, will examine how best to encourage greater investment in rental properties - helping support the rapid growth of the private rented sector by increasing the supply of affordable homes.![]() |
Sir Adrian Montague, one of Gordon Brown's City fixers |
The government’s housing strategy published last month highlighted the range of steps being taken to increase the supply of new homes.
Mr Shapps said: ‘The sector has seen several years of strong growth and increasing standards, but in some areas rents have begun to rise faster than wages.
‘Over three million households live in privately rented homes, so it’s vital that we take steps to ensure the sector’s continuing growth and affordability.
‘Sir Adrian brings with him a wealth of experience and knowledge of the role of the private sector in boosting infrastructure investment and of housing policy, making him an excellent choice to lead the review.’
Sir Adrian said: ‘The private rental sector has gone through a period of rapid growth, and it’s crucial that the government does all it can to ensure that demand continues to be met. I aim to help remove barriers to investment, contributing to the continuing health of a sector that millions of people rely on.’
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