On the 24th October equal rights and campaign group UK Feminista will lead a mass lobby of parliament. Activists and organisations across the country will join them in the ‘fight’ for women’s rights and equality. You can join them too!
Government cuts are eroding women’s economic independence, inequalities, such as violence against women still exists, and reproductive rights are still under attack.
Lobby packs can be downloaded from UK Feminista’s website - or collected on the day - it contains the calls for action and all the facts and figures that you can use and give to your MP. From 11:00 - 13:00, there will be a rally and a training event at the Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BU. Talks, short films and a short training session will be given so you will know exactly how to lobby your MP.
Then from 14:00 - 16:00, lobby your MP for women’s rights at the Houses of Parliament; where constituents will, hopefully, be met by 100s of MPs, dish out the facts and state the action needed to tackle violence against women, access to justice and women’s representation in politics.
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